Better tools to easily brighten someone else's day!
Artists are always looking for a better paint brush, better sculpting tools, better camera lenses...
for the Barista Artist, you now have a better choice!

20 oz / 600 ml Milk Frothing Pitcher
Sale price
Regular price

12oz / 350 ml Milk Frothing Pitcher
Sale price
Regular price
Shops that shared their time and experience with us:
Pour Richard's Coffee Company
We would like to thank Pour Richard's Coffee Company for freely allowing us to use video of their unscripted thoughts and opinions of their Espriazza pitchers.
Congratulations: 2017's Best of the Main Line Award Winner!
Seven Stones Cafe
We would like to thank everyone at Seven Stones Cafe for spending an afternoon with us to demonstrate their use, implementation and thoughs of the Espriazza Pitchers.
The Monkey and the Elephant
We would like to thank The Monkey and the Elephant, a nonprofit coffee shop focused on fortifying former foster youth. The staff of the Monkey and the Elephant spent time with us testing and offering feedback during our development.
Hot House Coffee
We would like to thank the staff at Hot House Coffee who has been working with us from the beginning of the development process provided instrumental feedback influencing many decisions along the way.